's closing in on Norway.....just one bridge left...
Farlig fuglevirus paavist i Sverige: Den aggressive formen for fugleinfluensa er paavist i Sverige, opplyser det svenske Jordbruksverket........meaning: The Bird flu has contaminated 2 ducks found close to a Swedish Nuclear-plant....and from that place it's just a matter of time when it reaches Norway at the other side of the Kattegat.....because it's airborne....and we have so many precious and rare wildbirds here, that this epidemia could mean the end of a lot of them.... and what is going to happen to those special and valuable Norwegian birds..... The Eagle, The Lundefugl and The Cormorant, the bird which is the Icon of the Lofoten Islands up North....
But we have E.Coli all over the place...
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