Saturday, September 16, 2006

Oh dear, here we go again...where is his Boss?

It seems that our Lord sometimes is on holidays or a bit absent and then His representative takes "over" and makes a mess of it. And he doesn't need funny pictures to do so, he just tells to everybody on TV that being a muslim is bad business. And then he says he is upset about the fact that he insulted every muslim in the world, well I would have been and more than that too.

To his defense I would say: as long as the muslims do not condemn terrorists who claim doing their "jobs" in name of the Quran and the Islam, he might have a point though(no offense). But performing this stunt in front of the whole world, is a bit disastrous. And one might expect that his Cardinal of Information (if that is his title) might feel the foot of the Lord on his ass.

And Jesus might have "a word" with his assistant too. He might even do that in German, so he will understand.


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