Monday, August 15, 2005

the Webcam.....a blessing for an old and abroad livin' father/grandfather...

Really! When I bought 3 webcams and gave my children one each, I really did look for more eye-contact with them...they were in Holland and I was here in Norway. Well, a big success it wasn't for starters. Once in a while I got in contact but than it stopped again....and then the grandchildren came "along" and so did the transmissions. Seeing my 4 children and now 4 grandchildren really makes the difference during the day and evenings.....even Sebastiaan finally moved his "head into his heart" and installed MSN. And I installed XP on a new HD and there it was: the option "whole screen" to me and new to them. I heard Casper say: Oh, Look that's Opa, he IS big.....when seeing me on the screen in real size...(well only my upper torso....blush...) and yes the mike did work....
So from now on I can see all of them in widescreen. Besides seeing that Marjolijn was recovering from her pregnancy, I saw Lucas for the first time in widescreen. Great kid.....still don't know whom he looks like....maybe in a couple of months...and the nice thing is that one can ask a guest to "have a look too", as I did than, but that option didn't work out so well.... but now I'm waiting for some more regular shows from all my kids and's not Talpa, but it still does a lot of good work for me...
Still don't know what OS I should choose but for the moment it is switching between W2K and XP, but definitely XP when it comes to webcam and my family.....


At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

seeing my 4 children???

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, 4 children. Marjolijn and Bart are my children as well. That's what they always say: when your children marry, you don't lose them, you get additionally 2 new ones as well.......old Dutch saying...


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