Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Steve Martin is NOT EVEN 1% of Peter Sellers....and if you listen carefully, you hear The Pink Panther cry in the background...tears of disappointment

Sorry to say this: If you can lay your hands on the original Pink Panther (as seen at the far left), please do so.....
The phony French accent even forced me to get subtitles, Mr. Martin can't even speak phony French, he gets completely unintelligible...Peter Sellers we really could "follow easily" in his
Well, I might have been biased, but nevertheless all the funnies are so exaggerated, so NOT FUNNY.....even the old cars are modernized as is the rest of the movie....I succeeded to stay awake.... the only thing recognizable was the way the French park their cars....that's still the same: one bump backward, one bump forward...repeat this 7 times and...wooooops..I'm
I think that Mr. Sellers would turn around in his coffin if he was able to see this copy, this bad's a pity he's gone forever.....even the Panther whispered in my ear: "Zank you for stopping thissu orrible movie, mon ami, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzank revoir.......


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