Sunday, August 28, 2005

"Mother Earth warning" - Her body is so SICK.......

Well, now it's finally here.....a real warning from Mother Earth...the City of Jazz, New Orleans has been asked to get rid of its citizens for a while because of a comin' hurricane which will strike with windspeeds of 175-200 miles per hour....we always looked upon catastrophe-movies with bewildered eyes and we thought: God what will happen when it 's a reality? Well, here it is....

And that's not all.....Our beloved Mother IS really sick and she needs to react in different ways: she's crying out loudly, hoping that somebody will listen....flooding a.o. Switserland and other states there about...yesterday a cloud-burst hit Oslo and my beautiful flowery veranda changed from a summary green to a completely white "dress" of apporx. 2cm big ice-cubes, directly from the sky in more then 15 minutes and at the end of August...

Tsunami......yep.....another way to warn, but I don't think that somebody will listen before it's too late again and again and again and again...some of the flooded islands are still under water and will saty that way......and even Peru and Australia showed signs being hit of the tsunami, although hardly visible.....

The change of climate is an advantage for diseases like the birdflue.....already now seagulls in Finland seem to have it.....and that's quick....first China, so Indonesia, so Tschechenya and Russia and now Finland, who's next? Good to see that my countrymen take some measures, putting the chickens inside the chickenhouses.....but will it help?

Researchers have notified the WWF, that they found the piranha's in the Orinoco have become extremely aggressive lately......a lot of Codfish seems to have turned grey instead of the beautiful seacolour...crabs develop more tentacles than the Lord gave them at Creation Day....

We all have seen the Worldchampionship in Finland and the heavy rain that threatened the athletes... well today in the same country, just rain was predicted at the Helsinki Open Golf Tournament, and out of the blue came a hurricane which blow the tent with the players and officials 30 meters away...blows of at least 100 km/hour lifted up commercial stuff and created a real life-threatening situation for the creme de la creme of the female Golfsport........

Let's hope an pray that the measures taken by some USA States to start controlling the CO-2 emissions will be followed by more and more states, maybe then Mother Earth will calm down, seeing that somebody is takin' it seriously...


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