Friday, February 25, 2005

Winter up North

Well, here all hell is loose. Yesterday we had minus 10 degr.C. Today it's plus 2 degr.C. At Greenland weather station they measured 6 degr.C.PLUS!!! Today Tynset (mostly one of the coldest spots in Norway) had -17 degr.C but Tromsoe up north had + 3degr.C!! One of the icebarriers in the Norwegian part of Lapland is melting while other lakes (usually covered with a thin icelayer) are totally deepfrozen so that the caribous can't get their fluids....
The famous Northern light is beaming in the sky like a flash bulb.......even at our site in Oslo.....
But I might not tell anything new: look at the way Mother Earth is reacting nowadays.......snow in Nice, France, closed schools in England (even Manu played their footballmatch in snowy weather), chaos on the German highways. The only place were they need snow Oberstdorf Germany, well they have it there too.....keeping the Norwegians smiling when finalizing the World Skiing Championships with even more gold medals (they lost 2 gold medals because the people who usually prepare the skis had a bad day.........and THAT, my friends, was clearly visible!!)
Now the sun is shining over here and temperature is quickly climbing to 6-7 have a nice day where ever you are.....