Saturday, February 25, 2006

A Night at McCools...a HOT movie review...I'm still laughing...

I' ve seen this one 5 or 6 times and every time I'm watchin' with pleasure, especially the absolute crazy last's a total looney movie, but so cute and nice....mixture of Reba, HelenHunt, fat John and even Michael Douglas looks like Stevie van Sant, included the stunning hair....Reba should have stayed in her own show, by the the rest of the crew is hilarious...even the priest (from "6 feet under"..)

And even if you're married, you get a nice feeling looking at that sexy kitten that purrs around and sometimes, well, even, well, no I couldn't, uhr, well, maybe ,

Enjoy it, it's so coooooooooooooooooooool and HOT at the same time...hahahahahahahaha...and the music is great as well, you'll remember most of the songs....

Friday, February 24, 2006

And the Gold-rush goes on......GOLD and BRONZE!!! at the 10000 m

Bob de Jong ( Picture to the left courtesy of the Telegraaf) took revenge in a masterly way....he really crushed everybody elses hope for gold medals...this one was could see the despair on all the faces when they tried but failed...the Norwegians need to start to think Gold again....and the best thing is: 5000 m ladies tomorrow....and the Germans are in a bad's Ireen again....we all have our hopes high's not forget Verheyens Bronze medal, his race against Hedrick was great...)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

No false start this time...Timmertje crushed the Germans

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, she defended her Gold Medal from the Olympics in Nagano....and what's more: Ireen Wüst showed everybody what the future will be for the skating world.....just first places and medals for her (not this race though with a 4th place) and she's just 19 years old.
Maybe Peter Müller should learn something from this Gold Medal (won by his ex....). Don't screw up the expectations, just do your usual job and skate as good as you can at this moment....results always show HOW GOOD you are...and it shouldn't be because of a Norwegian starter who seems to pick out his Dutch victims...

Oh my Islamic brothers...have you been abused again? your own radicals!!!?

(Top)Picture of a young Mohammed found in South-Teheran!!! Egyptian Newspaper Al Fagr with the funnies, published 17.10.2005!!!! (bottom)

Apologies from the Danish Jylland-Posten said to have been received by Asharq al-Awsat, al-Riyadh og al-Jazira, Arabian Newspapers, but the Danish publisher says never having send any to these papers....

And I had the great honor and privilege to read the Holy Quran, translated by a Islamic Priest, and there's NO citing in that magnificent Book, that says that it's forbidden with picturing the great Prophet. It's just a generally accepted fact in the Islamic Community, nothing more, nothing less....

So, please, stop the killing of your brothers and're hurting yourselves, not us......and it's NOT according to your wonderful Holy Book...

Insallah my Islamic friends, may you all have a peaceful day.....