Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Munich/München...the Revenge...a movie review..

Cool movie, even this one I watched til the end....I was there in front of my TV-screen when it happened, so....
The movie showed clearly that the killing of 9 of the 11 terrorists from that period was sanctioned by Mrs. Golda Meir. But I think everybody will have some peace after it all was over, because it was just an eye for an eye etc etc....
For me unknown artists, but very likeable and real players, knowing to express the feeling that even they became killers for the sake of the nation Israel.
Sometimes quite bloody, sometimes the explosives didn't work and even a Dutch killing, something that was completely new for me...but one always learns...

The Island...... a kind of 1984 movie review.....

Well, take a mixture of "1984", and other doomsdaymovies and mix them together and you get....yes The Island...
Clones discover that they are clones, usables and 2 of them revolt and finally everybody has a twin going loose, even the President of the USA....well, now you know....that's why Mr. Bush talks funny and sometimes incomprehensible...there's something wrong with his clone, some defect in the
But I watched the whole movie and that's an achievement...

Earth hits back....Norway is no exception

A Norwegian family saw what happened when 110 ml rain/hour dropped from the sky, caused by global warming and melting snow from the surrounding mountains. Bridges are gone, fast areas of land flooded and it will be landslides are threatening a lot of the local communities...and the whole district is in alertphase 1.....the worst in 74 years... and the rain is still pouring from the sky..