Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Wasn't there a satellite, a couple of month ago, landing in the desert? With some cosmic dust?

Left one from 1971 and the right one from 2003, showing the same thing, both very good and the suspense is "horrible"...hahahahaha...I'm still a bit ticklish...hahahahaha
Hope the people who recovered the satellite with the Comet-dust in 2006 had clean hands and that they are not developing powder-blood as the victims in the first movie...lolololol

Mr.Wilders, Mr.Wilders.....did you finally find your deathmark?

It seems the only differences are: the colour of the hair, the moustache and the straight look ahead......the brain is as sick as the one of the person to the right.....
Why can't the Dutch return to the Dutch they were before without having so many "specials to both side's" as Wilders and Hirsi Ali??????
We were tolerant, gentle, stubborn, friendly to foreigners, ok with other religions....and now every day I read about the opposite....bad bad bad bad bad Dutch....