Monday, August 15, 2005

the Webcam.....a blessing for an old and abroad livin' father/grandfather...

Really! When I bought 3 webcams and gave my children one each, I really did look for more eye-contact with them...they were in Holland and I was here in Norway. Well, a big success it wasn't for starters. Once in a while I got in contact but than it stopped again....and then the grandchildren came "along" and so did the transmissions. Seeing my 4 children and now 4 grandchildren really makes the difference during the day and evenings.....even Sebastiaan finally moved his "head into his heart" and installed MSN. And I installed XP on a new HD and there it was: the option "whole screen" to me and new to them. I heard Casper say: Oh, Look that's Opa, he IS big.....when seeing me on the screen in real size...(well only my upper torso....blush...) and yes the mike did work....
So from now on I can see all of them in widescreen. Besides seeing that Marjolijn was recovering from her pregnancy, I saw Lucas for the first time in widescreen. Great kid.....still don't know whom he looks like....maybe in a couple of months...and the nice thing is that one can ask a guest to "have a look too", as I did than, but that option didn't work out so well.... but now I'm waiting for some more regular shows from all my kids and's not Talpa, but it still does a lot of good work for me...
Still don't know what OS I should choose but for the moment it is switching between W2K and XP, but definitely XP when it comes to webcam and my family.....

Lemoney Snicket.....My God, how pathetic can an actor get?

I saw only a half-hour of it and than clicked on the "STOP" button....will he ever change from the man behind "The Mask" into something more valuable like the guy from "The Truman Show"?
EVERY MOVE he's making in this sad story, is taken from "The Mask", even his quite boring lines..and yes, I'm talking about Jim Carey....the only guy who really deserves an applause is the make-up man/woman....that IS a great accomplishment, really....
Most of all I loved Sunny, the little one (who could become a great star) who bites her way through the story, great kid and GREAT lines!!! Probably the only good ones in the movie. Meryl Streep is herself, getting old, completely confused as ever in real life, but cute in her own way. Violet is the beauty: a smaller replica of Norah Jones, cute, can REALLY act!!! The rest I just forgot (maybe except for the short appearance of this Irish/Scottish actor with his funny accent and his weird love for snakes......).......don't buy the movie, rent one, you will see WHY!!!