Tuesday, February 28, 2006

First mammal dies of birdflu - German cat...now it's really getting serious...

What will happen now with the other mammals, they eat bait/carrion (dead bodies of animals) as well....so, now it's really geting serious for all of us....we all have outdoor-cats and no indoor-dogs.......
(pictures: Wolf, Wolverine (=No wolf but is called Jerv in Norway/Sverige), Bear and Lynx....and in Dutch the Wolverine is called "Veelvraat")

Birdflu...it's closing in on Norway.....just one bridge left...

Farlig fuglevirus paavist i Sverige: Den aggressive formen for fugleinfluensa er paavist i Sverige, opplyser det svenske Jordbruksverket........meaning: The Bird flu has contaminated 2 ducks found close to a Swedish Nuclear-plant....and from that place it's just a matter of time when it reaches Norway at the other side of the Kattegat.....because it's airborne....and we have so many precious and rare wildbirds here, that this epidemia could mean the end of a lot of them.... and what is going to happen to those special and valuable Norwegian birds..... The Eagle, The Lundefugl and The Cormorant, the bird which is the Icon of the Lofoten Islands up North....

Monday, February 27, 2006

Ice Age - Cooooooool show....a movie review

Although an oldie.....I can't stop watching it and listening to the for me well-known voices (of Norwegian actors), but of course everybody nowadays has the possibility to rent/buy the movie in their own language....and that means expressions like: " Oh Yes, that's.....really the best actor-voice for this creature...lololol...etc"...

The story is cute, even for grown-ups....most of the texts are really hilarious and the techniques used are superb, although I' ve seen better ones afterwards (like Madagascar....another cool movie for both kids and grown-ups)...most be quite a hard job, making these "actors" move, work together, speak, react...cool stuff, really...you'll have a ball...

Kurtlar Vardisi Irak.....The Valley of the Wolves(Iraq)...a movie review...

Well, after watching this movie, some of the newspaper-articles/photographs about Iraq make more sense.

It explains very good why the USA should NOT be there.....kind of Nam-syndrome actually...

Story is ok and probably just taken out of the daily life over there, something that really starts me wondering why some of my countrymen still are there with their F -16 planes....

Guys, go home and leave this once beautiful country of Iraq to itself and its people and let them make decisions NOT based on our thinking, it's the wrong turn, believe me...

I think a must to see for everybody.....although tough to watch sometimes, but hey, that's really today's reality....

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The "this time NOT so Norwegian" Olympic Games are over..........

(Pictures courtesy of VG)
Well, the Norwegian gold-focus was this time left behind in Norway and NOT present in Torino at all.....and it showed....19 medals and only 2 gold ones ( but WHAT are they really complaining about....19!!! Medals...)....and a lot of reputations completely ruined....tears, faces filled with pain, favorites "destroyed", yelling and swearing coaches and a team with ski-preparing skills who screwed up when they shouldn't... and only ONE true athlete, the biathlonskier Bjoerndal who said: "I was not good enough this time, I had my focus probably somewhere else, maybe better luck next time....." and the worst of all.....The Swedes had the best Olympic Games ever when they "imported" Norwegian leaders and trainers....lol....even a Gold Medal in Biathlon for women....what NEVER had happened before....I personally stopped watching TV from Torino, except of course for the achievements of the Dutch skaters...THAT was great work...(Maybe Erben Wennermars finally got it.....slow start instead of being a catapult...that produces medals....)...and of course God was with the Dutch Bob-team...that looked nasty....all in all....it was quite a boring set of individual games....but that's my opinion...

The only thing that really pissed me off was that the Austrian team demanded the ski races done all over again because their blood-doping guys were DISTURBED in their beautysleep by visiting police, who found bloodexchangers in the house of the team....I DO hope (I'm not positive about it because the Olympic Committee Management are all cowards) that they will be excluded from the next Olympic Games, just to show the youth that this is NO sportsbehaviour....and I do hope too that the Italian police will prosecute and that they will be fined according to Italian law.....

Will there ever be Games without these cheaters??????